Conversation with Icons


Respect for religions and the practitioners. – I am fascinated by the cosmic as well as the earthly multifariousness. Based on my studies of Christian psychology of religion I have drafted an equation:

Love-energy = Eros + agape = art = religion = illusion = emptiness = fullness = all + nothing All inclusive aggression, ambivalence, doubt, science, economic and church coffee.

I noticed that the toy, the fantasy, the illusion and the language is very important in a child’s development according to Troels Nørgaard, MA of Religion in the separation from it’s parents as well as the liberation from the strict and almighty God.

Da kalkmalerierne forsvandt efter reformationen, mistede vi visuelt forbindelsen mellem det verdslige  og det hellige liv. Kun de hvide vægge og de hellige billeder var tilbage. Bornert og lidt kedeligt ….Så derfor serveres: Samtale-ikoner på smørebrætter – egnet til både konfirmander/ nonfirmanter og andre søgende individer. De er vel også egnet til folk som har behov for en kærlig humor omkring den kristne religion og de skyhøje  idealer?